Sunday, December 5, 2010


Today was the annual CIM (California International Marathon).  One of my favorite days of the year except that this year, I didn't run it and boy did I miss that.

Yesterday, instead of laying low and getting our Christmas tree like we do every Saturday before I run CIM, I worked. It was hard working because every customer that came in was preparing for CIM the next day. I, instead, woke up before I had to go to work with the intentions of running around my new neighborhood.

This is the view from around the block. I didn't get far because a neighbor saw me taking a photo and we started talking. I told her that we had just moved here and she chatted my ear off for a good while. The next thing I realized I was going to be late for work. Needless to say, I did not run very far but it was nice to get the 411 on our new neighborhood.

Today, I had to wake up at 5:30 to get ready to head to the Fleet Feet Aid Station which was almost at mile 9 of the marathon. When I run the marathon I am waking up at 5 am so this morning just seemed like "old times" except I was putting on warm clothes instead of shorts. The one thing DIDN'T that seem like old times was the temperature. My car was reading 56 degrees! CIM last year had a 30 degree start! Figures, this would be the year that it was warm and sunny.

Doing an aid-station takes a lot of work and a lot of volunteers. I have volunteered for CIM in the past which I think every runner should do at some point in their lives. It feels good to give back to those who have volunteered for us and makes you appreciate the race even more.

Handing out water.

I had many friends running CIM this year. Pigeon, Coach Nikon, his wife Miss Lily, Miss P and quite a few others. It was great to see them and cheer them on. The only one I missed seeing was Coach Nikon. He must have been too fast for me.

However, seeing Lily was truly the high light of my day. She was smiling and asked ME how I was doing. When I asked her how she felt she said she was having hamstring issues and that she needed me to push on her hamstrings. So off we went to the sidewalk where she lay face down and had me put both of my knees right where her butt meets her hamstring with all my weight. Apparently, and I should probably take this is as a compliment, I was too light and not giving enough pressure. So I called over Captain Kirk figuring he might have weighed a smidgen more than me or at the very least, I know his knees are bonier than mine.

Captain Kirk to the rescue!
Don't worry Coach Nikon I kept a close eye on him!

 Overall, it was a great day. The weather was fantastic for a marathon making me all the more excited to run CIM next year. I am happy I went to the aid-station and volunteered. I cannot wait to find out how my friends all finished.

Once I got back home, Vans, the Peanut and I headed out to get our Christmas tree and we're spending the afternoon decorating and yes, still unpacking random boxes that we're coming across. A nice little weekend for all!
Happy Holidays!


  1. AAAAAHHHHH to funny, I just showed Lily. Thanks for the post it was excellent.


  2. thanks for being a volunteer today and being out there for the runners. i ran cim today and it was my first marathon! the support from the volunteers was AMAZING. thanks again :)

  3. volunteers Rules ... thanks for getting out there

  4. Thanks for being out there!!!! Love the post and the picture is awesome!

  5. Ditto what The Jesse said. I ran CIM yesterday and it was my first marathon! the volunteers were awesome. Thanks for being out there for us slowpokes. :)

  6. Thanks for taking my sweaty gloves & sleeves from me TM! You were the first familiar face I saw and I was so ready to dump those. Thanks for supporting everyone out there.
    Miss P
