Friday, April 29, 2011


Jersey Dad is here visiting! Easter was a success. The Peanut's birthday day (Monday) was a success and hopefully tomorrow's bounce house party with 17 wild and crazy three year olds will also be a success. Come Sunday, this momma-to-be will be cooked and ready to relax!

I haven't been running or walking or doing much of anything lately other than racing from place to place and running errands.

HOWEVER, Vans and Jersey Dad are busy today probably getting a full body workout trying to assemble this:

(ahem, not my kids)

Currently, per Vans, the situation looks more like this though:

Whole lotta pieces to sort through!

I am happy to see that Jersey Dad is at least holding the directions . . . Vans is notorious for losing things and would probably attempt to assemble this without them. According to them, this MIGHT get completed by Monday . . . MAYBE.

Last night after a nice family dinner (love when we all can sit down and eat together) the four of us headed to one of the most beautiful parks in El Dorado Hills . . . Kalithea Park with the most breath-taking views of Folsom Lake to fly the Peanut's first ever kite.

I purchased the kite from The Nugget for $1.50 I think . . . I didn't have high expectations but I did expect it to get off the ground. After almost an hour of Vans running, Jersey Dad trying to throw the kite and the Peanut chasing after the dragging kite - we gave up. It wouldn't fly despite there being plenty of wind. Later, after we arrived home, we discovered that (ahem) Vans had assembled it incorrectly - or so he told us AFTER he read the directions when we got home . . . which again, I am glad to see Jersey Dad holding the swing set directions! Love you anyway Vans!

1 comment:

  1. Those two pics are hilarious! Perfectly set up playground with happy kids, then Jersey Dad looking frustrated :) Like me putting together every IKEA item I've ever bought.
