Saturday, January 15, 2011


first a little of this

then a little of this

then a walk around the village

a pouty face

then a ride up the gondola

a refreshing drink at the top of the mountain

beautiful views

followed by some time in the snow

then finding daddy

the sun came out and it got WARM

fun for the adults!

back to building snowmen

family photo

then back down the gondola

Naps were shortly after this and now we've had dinner and are hitting the ice skating rink. Hopefully everyone sleeps well tonight. We're on Tahoe Time and it has been a great day so far.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! That's where you got to. I thought you were going on the 18th, but this makes more sense with the MLK holiday stretching out the play time. So glad you are getting a break from all the house stuff. Looks like Sierra and friend are gonna have one super weekend too.
    See you when I get back. We can swap stories and photos.
