Friday, May 20, 2011


I've been struggling lately. Just Tired. Yes, with a capitol "T" THAT kind of tired. My nesting instincts kicked in Tuesday night and I made the mistake of cleaning our 3 bathrooms which included 3 toilets, 5 sinks, 5 mirrors, 3 floors and 2 tubs . . . by 9 pm my back was so sore I could barely walk. By Wednesday I was extra sore and hobbling. Back in the day we used to have a cleaning lady that came twice a month to do our condo. Vans had used this woman for years, since his bachelor days and as much as I scoffed that I didn't need a cleaning lady when we got married, and that we could save that money for other stuff . . . it was heaven. We lived in that condo and used her services for six years! I was spoiled. Now don't get me wrong, I love taking care of my new home. In much the same way it gives Van's pride to work on our yard/garden it gives me pride cleaning and maintaining our home Yet, I forget I am 9 months pregnant, 21 days shy of my due date and that physically it is pretty darn tough. Oh yeah and I am also still working full-time.

I've hinted to Vans that a "great" having a baby gift (ahem, I'll find any reason/occasion to say a gift is necessary) would be to "hire" our old cleaning lady for the months that I am on maternity leave! If I think it is hard maintaining the house now while pregnant, I can't imagine doing it with a newborn while also picking up the Peanut from daycare each day. Alas, I also forget that being home on "maternity leave" with my very (VERY) small office also means my income is very much reduced for the summer . . . if I get any income at all that is (near the end of my leave it is completely unpaid). I know so many stay at home moms that can do it all. I read those blogs ... they cook, they clean AND they watch their kids at home instead of sending them to daycare. I bow to them. I commend them. Unfortunately, I am just not one of them! However, it looks like I am going to have to learn to be this summer . . . or at least figure out a way to fit it all in. Wish me luck.

On to more exciting things . . . photos from the Tour of California . . . and Tahoe.

Playing in the SNOW at the bike start ... normal right?

Sky Team's bikes

The Shack Team's bikes

More bikes

Waiting for the start . . . or rather the announcement that the race was cancelled

Still happy no matter what!


One more plug for this ... I ask that if you read this blog or follow this blog at all to please head to the Circle of Mom's Top 25 Health and Fitness Blogs and vote for me (no registration required). You can click on the link or click on the badge on my right hand sidebar. You can also vote more than once!
Thanks! Trailmomma~ 

1 comment:

  1. Get the cleaning lady!!! As much as I can't afford mine, my house can't afford to not have her. My life is way too crazy busy to do it myself. Your house sounds huge, and not to mention your prego - sheesh.

    Tell Vans, you've got another vote for your having a baby gift - LOL

    Thanks for the pics, and I voted for you :)

    I've updated the As The Turtle Turns blog. I've got recipes on there - check it.

