I bit the bullet and bought a domain and have started my own webpage. This won't be a big surprise, but the site is: www.trailmomma.com and I am super excited to play around with it.
Please be patient with me as I navigate through this whole process. My daily, weekly, sometimes monthly random posts will be located over there for the time being (at least until my contract is up) but I plan to keep this site "active" and post all race reports (ahem, when I actually start racing again) here in addition to the new site in the off chance that www.trailmomma.com does survive.
This site holds a dear place in my heart and I cannot fathom shutting it down or deleting it. I still hope to publish my posts into a book format to have as a keepsake for my girls some day so they can see what a silly mom they had. If anyone knows of a great website that does that, please let me know!
In the meantime, please join me over at www.trailmomma.com and be patient with me!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago