Monday, July 15, 2013


Oh how I have missed blogging. I tried blogging for my new employer but I am limited in the topic that I am allowed to blog about and let's face it, I like blogging about my kids and running/fitness.

This blog may not be updated as frequently as it used to be in the past, but I need an outlet. I am looking into purchasing more Picasa space so that I can add more photos and I am also looking into having my blog printed into a book format (years 2009 through 2012) so that my girls have a memory of this crazy life and all our wacky adventures together. I want them to remember to never sweat the small stuff;  just sweat daily.

A lot has changed since December of 2012. My girls are all grown up, or so it seems.

The Peanut is 5 now and about to attend Kindergarten!
Squeaker is 2 and barrel of laughs AND trouble.
They are each others best friend ...
and I love them more than anything.
So hopefully I will be able to write more and hopefully it will involve some kind of running or at the very least, something amusing. I admit, my time is limited so my posts may be brief but I don't think anyone will really mind.
~ Trailmomma


  1. welcome i have to be good or it will be shared with a story!

  2. Yea!!! Don't know if I am replying right on these
    blogs, but so happy you are back. I can't wait
    for more pics and info regarding the girls and
    you two of course. Debbie
